Quality assurance
In order to guarantee our quality objectives we are not only internally dedicated to quality management and customer satisfaction, but are we are also subject to regular audits by external organisations.
CEDEO is an objective, independent organisation that regularly measures the degree of customer satisfaction by means of an external customer satisfaction inquiry.
The CEDEO acknowledgement and certification is exclusively bestowed upon organisations that have reached a satisfactory level during this inquiry.
Less than 20% of all Dutch Language institutes are CEDEO acknowledged and certified.
Here you can download the complete inquiry report.
Internally we guard the quality processes by means of a series of quality assessments. These include:
Lesson reports
After each individual lesson, a lesson report is made by the teacher in question. This report is used to provide feedback to the course coordinator.
This report is also used to optimize the coaching given to our teachers and to safeguard (as well as fine-tune) the learning process. Furthermore, this report enables us to give optimum feed back to our customers.
Observation lessons
Our training supervisor will sit-in during one or more lessons, as to ascertain that the atmosphere is pleasant and that our specific philosophy and methods are utilized, as they should be. This supervisor belongs to our training project team and has the responsibility to safeguard the quality of our courses and our training system.
This enables us to keep providing you with an up-to-date Taylor-made course curriculum.