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As stated before, our institute is the only nationally operating Dutch language institute that provides a quality guarantee.
This guarantee is unique within the language training sector.
As we provide tailor-made language and culture courses that are adapted to the specific requirements and needs of either the participant and/or customer, we will discuss, prior to commencement of the course, the desired results and establish our final objective.
This final objective is being constantly monitored through the progress of the participant and is thus guaranteed.
Let suppose, for the sake of argument, that despite the positive attitude and commitment of the participant, the set objective is not met within the agreed amount of time.
In such an unlikely event we will provide, free of charge, one of the following additional services:
Early adjustment by means of additional coaching (during the lesson cycle) in order to meet the objective.
Additional coaching (after termination of the original lesson cycle) until such a time that the objective is fully met.
To be eligible for this quality guarantee participants have to meet the following requirments.
A 90% percent attendance record.
All requirements as homework and self-study are met.
Needless to say that we expect that the above-mentioned additional services will not be required to reach the final objective.
(This guarantee is applicable on the Iber Lengua tailor-made language courses)